In words of Noam Chomsky (Father of modern linguistics):
"The most basic property of the language faculty is that each internal language generates an unbounded array of structured expressions, each of which yields an interpretation at the interface with other cognitive systems (basically a linguistically-articulated thought) and can be externalized in some sensorimotor system, usually speech, in ways that allow others to access our thoughts – a property of language that Galileo and his contemporaries rightly regarded with awe and wonder."[1]
Interface of structured expressions and cognitive system creates linguistically-articulated thoughts is the most basic property of language. Does it mean rather than the mean of mere external communication, language has to do with internal thought process? Certainly the quote above is stating that but the question is what is happening at the receiver end. What is the perceiving act of language? Is it rather than constructing the sentence by our own the receiver is interfacing it directly with its cognition and then articulating his/her thought. If it is true it means language is more than the medium of communication. In fact, it is the medium of exchange of thoughts and ideas. Does it mean without language human race would have been like animals unable to think and communicate this thinking?
[1] Horgan, John. “Noam Chomsky Calls Trump and Republican Allies ‘Criminally Insane.’” Scientific American Blog Network, 3 Nov. 2018,