1. Machine learning spots natural selection at work in human genome.[1]
2. The Rise of Deep Learning [2] and machine learning in ATLAS experiment[3].
3. Deep Learning for Biology[4].
4. Machine Learning in Environmental Science.[5]
[1] Maxmen, A. (2018, November 01). Machine learning spots natural selection at work in human genome. Retrieved from https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07225-z?WT.ec_id=NATURE-20181108&utm_source=nature_etoc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20181108&sap-outbound-id=3BFBEE1C09D94D52660998BAAC6640BA8C510764
[2] Leopold, Ruth. “The Rise of Deep Learning.” CERN Courier, cerncourier.com/the-rise-of-deep-learning/
[3] “Machine Learning.” ATLAS Experiment at CERN, atlas.cern/tags/machine-learning.
[4] Webb, Sarah. “Deep Learning for Biology.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 20 Feb. 2018, www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-02174-z.
[5] “4 Ways Machine Learning Protects the Environment.” UA Magazine, 31 May 2017, www.ua-magazine.com/4-ways-machine-learning-protects-environment/#.W-RojRDhXQo.